The customer is a leading non-banking financial institution [NBFC] in India with an extensive network of more than 1000 branch offices across 22 Indian States and 3 Union Territories.
Each of the customer’s 1000+ branch offices had earmarked employees to frequently commute from their individual branch office to the dealer location and back, with hard copies of documents such as “Know-Your-Customer” [KYC] policy, address proofs of retail customers, etc. Likewise, the customer’s loan dispersal process was manual and cumbersome, resulting in a long time-lag while disbursing loans to their end clients. There was a dire need to simplify and digitize the entire process, to enhance employee productivity and also increase sales revenues. Also, with information security being a top priority for NBFC institutions in general, their financial records held highly sensitive information that had to be secured at all costs.
Galaxy performed a feasibility test, and proposed VMware’s Enterprise Mobility Management solution to help address all these challenges. Some features of the proposed solution included: –
Customer could use the secure launch feature with help from Galaxy, for all their corporate-owned Android devices. They could also have their on-field sales workforce use the company’s core applications that were pushed centrally on their individual devices. Thus, the main advantages of our solution are: –
Galaxy team thus helped the customer in replacing labor-intensive data gathering process by electronic recording and tracking of data.