Galaxy Office Automation

The customer is a leading non-banking financial institution [NBFC] in India with an extensive network of more than 1000 branch offices across 22 Indian States and 3 Union Territories.

The Challenge

Each of the customer’s 1000+ branch offices had earmarked employees to frequently commute from their individual branch office to the dealer location and back, with hard copies of documents such as “Know-Your-Customer” [KYC] policy, address proofs of retail customers, etc. Likewise, the customer’s loan dispersal process was manual and cumbersome, resulting in a long time-lag while disbursing loans to their end clients. There was a dire need to simplify and digitize the entire process, to enhance employee productivity and also increase sales revenues. Also, with information security being a top priority for NBFC institutions in general, their financial records held highly sensitive information that had to be secured at all costs.

The Solution

Galaxy performed a feasibility test, and proposed VMware’s Enterprise Mobility Management solution to help address all these challenges. Some features of the proposed solution included: –

  • A mobility-based solution that works on a 7-inch Android Tablet. This enables the salesforce to capture customer documents on a real-time basis using its 1500 on-field devices.
  • VMware’s AirWatch Mobile Application Management (MAM) solution helps distribute, secure, install, update and track mobile applications across the customer’s fleet of devices.
  • Using VMWare’s AirWatch, the company can monitor activities carried out on all on-field devices, from a single console.

The Benefits

Customer could use the secure launch feature with help from Galaxy, for all their corporate-owned Android devices. They could also have their on-field sales workforce use the company’s core applications that were pushed centrally on their individual devices. Thus, the main advantages of our solution are: –

  • Field force i.e. salesforce can capture and share data from the field on real-time basis. Thus they do not need to commute to office for logging or recording their daily transactions. This has led to an increased productivity across the organization due to savings in man-hours and travel costs.
  • Better data management and security due to process automation, with less likelihood of human errors.
  • Also, as soon as a customer’s details are captured, the system automatically triggers an instant request to CIBIL to know the financial history of the customer and then check their loan eligibility, which helps in countering bad debts.

Galaxy team thus helped the customer in replacing labor-intensive data gathering process by electronic recording and tracking of data.

To know more about the solution