Galaxy Office Automation

About the Company

Galaxy Office Automation Pvt Ltd Implements
Commvault Backup for Epic Channel

As Epic Channel data needs grew, relying solely on on-premises backup became impractical. Galaxy Office Automation, leveraging their Commvault expertise, proposed a hybrid solution utilizing Commvault in conjunction with AWS

The Challenge

Epic Channel’s growing business and critical data necessitated a robust and reliable backup solution. Their existing system was manual, time-consuming, and prone to errors.

The Solution

Galaxy Office Automation Pvt Ltd, a Commvault AWS certified partner, recommended and implemented Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery solution.

How Galaxy Successfully Solved the Company’s Challenges

  • Galaxy OA conducted a thorough needs assessment to understand Epic Channel’s data environment, backup requirements, and recovery time objectives (RTOs).
  • Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery was deployed seamlessly, integrating with Epic Channel’s existing infrastructure and applications.
  • Galaxy OA trained Epic Channel’s IT staff on Commvault’s user-friendly interface and best practices for data backup and recovery.
  • Streamlined data protection: Commvault automated Epic Channel’s backup processes, eliminating manual tasks and minimizing errors.
  • Enhanced data security: Commvault’s multi-layered security features, including encryption and access controls, safeguard Epic Channel’s sensitive data.
  • Improved data availability: Commvault’s granular recovery capabilities allow Epic Channel to quickly restore individual files, folders, or entire systems, minimizing downtime and data loss.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Commvault scales easily to accommodate Epic Channel’s future data growth and evolving needs.
  • Reduced IT costs: Commvault’s centralized management and automation saved Epic Channel time and resources, lowering IT operational costs.


  • Enhanced Data Security: Commvault’s multi-layered security features, including encryption, access controls, and audit trails, safeguard Epic Channel’s data both on-premises and in the cloud.
  • Improved Scalability and Flexibility: The hybrid architecture allows Epic Channel to easily scale their backup capacity and adapt to changing data needs, both on-premises and in the cloud.
  • Reduced Costs: Utilizing cost-effective AWS storage classes and Commvault’s efficient data management features, Epic Channel achieved significant cost savings compared to traditional on-premises backup solutions.
  • Faster Recovery Times: Granular recovery capabilities within Commvault allow Epic Channel to quickly restore individual files, folders, or entire systems, minimizing downtime and data loss.
  • Increased Business Continuity: With backups securely stored in AWS, Epic Channel gained access to disaster recovery capabilities, ensuring business continuity even in the event of on-premises infrastructure failures.

This case study demonstrates how Galaxy Office Automation Pvt Ltd, a Commvault’s helped Epic Channel achieve its data protection goals by implementing Commvault Complete Backup & Recovery. Commvault’s robust features, scalability, and ease of use make it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes looking to protect their critical data and ensure business continuity.

“Galaxy Office Automation’s expertise in Commvault and their efficient implementation process were instrumental in our successful backup upgrade. Commvault has given us peace of mind knowing our critical data is safe and readily available”

IT Manager

Epic Channel

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